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Changes made to the game:
-Sound of spikes moving up and down.

-Background sound change.

-Signboard place beside moving spikes to warn the player about the moving spikes.

-Added fore and background to differentiate and distinct the game to give a sense of depth into it.

-Switch sequence having number and signboard to hint player which switch should switch on first or last.

-Brief Level editing on level 1 to 7. 
-Template of animals is placed at the start of each level (1, 3 and 5).

-Door animation is added.

-Action key is all set to "Z" key when opening door or activate switch.

Post FYP

Post FYP Game


Game Designer/QA - Aaron Lim Cong Kai

Artist - Lee Jiangling

Sound Designer/ Level Designer - Durga Devi

Programmer/Producer - Kweh Feng Cheng

Game Trailer

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